Tag Archives: mbp

Apple: Crash Different

Picture 14We’ve all heard apple fanboys go on and on about how great macs are. From the way they talk, you’d think that Macintosh computers were magical or something. You will hear anything from things like: the internet runs faster and smoother on macs, there is no such thing as viruses for macs, you will get no pop-ups on macs, you don’t have to worry about annoying updates, they never crash, etc, etc.

Sometimes Apple fans sound like members of a cult.

I can’t take it anymore! My laptop is a mac and I do really enjoy it, but it has had its fair share of problems. A lot of problems. Macs are not in the least bit free of annoyances or crashes.

Here is a dose of reality:

Many of them run HOT, MacBook Pros especially. Like so hot that you could fry an egg on this thing. Seriously.spinning_ball_of_death

There are no blue screens of death, but you do get spinning beach balls when applications aren’t responding, which is far more regularly then I’d like. Every now and again, you get the dreaded Kernel Panic. This is the most severe crash a mac can have and a scary looking prompt pops up asking you to manually restart your computer.

Kernel_Panic-1p0fApplications quit unexpectedly, sometimes causing you to lose everything that you’d been working on. When they freeze up you have to force quit. When your whole computer gets all frozen, you have to manually reboot.

Macs do not run the Internet any faster than any comparable PC. There certainly are pop-ups on macs and there would be viruses too, if it were worth virus programmers’ while. The lack of viruses isn’t because macs are immune, but because the vast majority of viruses are created to mess with Windows computers, since that is what the majority of people are using. As the mac market share increases, so will viruses.

There certainly are software and firmware updates for macs – you are prompted quite frequently to install various system or program updates.

Keyboard shortcuts are a great feature of macs, but they also have a downside. It is very easy to accidentally hit a shortcut that completely screws up whatever it was that you were doing.

I had an apple mouse. It broke. I had to return 2 iPods before the 3rd finally worked. I’m on my second hard drive. I’m on my second or third power cord. I’m on my second optical drive and bottom plate. I am on my second battery. My laptop’s hinges are loose, and this cannot be repaired.

I treat my mac well, but it is my workhorse. I’ve had it for more than 2 ½ years and my next computer will definitely be a mac.

It is no wonder why there are so many blind mac haters though – they can’t stand all the distortions that mac lovers spew! Let’s get real – macs are lovely, but they have their faults. PLENTY of them.

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