No good pizza and too much pepperoni

As I type partly delirious from a long week and some mysterious bacteria from the Caribbean I wonder about pizza.

There are two pizza facts that I find extremely frustrating:

1. You can’t get good pizza outside of the New York area. Even in the New York area, finding a really good pizza joint is a challenge.
2. Toppings are over done, especially pepperoni, and are killing the chance of good pizza ever to be able to travel to the rest of the world.

The cheese pizza is how pizza is meant to be eaten. Adding toppings doesn’t enhance the taste; it masks it. The majority of people order pizza with toppings – this explains how mediocre pizza is so wildly accepted.

Toppings lovers also love to order what they like for everyone, something I hate. I’ve seen people order 5 whole pizzas for an entire group of people, without a single cheese pizza.

As someone who not only loves the taste of a good cheese pizza but also does not eat pigs for personal reasons, I always cringe whenever I see multitudes of pepperoni, sausage, or ham pizza meant for a group of people. If I’m lucky there will at least be 1 or 2 cheese pizzas (that disappear immediately), but unfortunately it is not uncommon for there to be none at all.

When you order for yourself or a group where you know everyone’s individual pizza tastes, that’s one thing. But ordering for a large group of people with pizza tastes unknown, it is extremely selfish to just order the toppings that you like. There should always be as much cheese pizza as the total of all others offered at an event.

If you enjoy pizza, you most certainly will enjoy cheese pizza. Why subject the world to your toppings? In fact, a good cheese pizza is much much better than any with toppings.

So I implore everyone to try pizza without toppings, to not force their toppings taste on everyone else by having simple pizza etiquette, and for Italians expand out of the New York area so we can get good pizza globally!


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2 responses to “No good pizza and too much pepperoni

  1. Love this blog I’ll be back when I have more time.

  2. kkuekes

    I personally like Chicago pizza. Deep dish all the way!

    And I am a toppings-free kind of gal as well.

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